This here be mah links page. Here you'll find links to some of the most delicious art on the web today... well, mostly just the stuff that I like. 'Tis not to say this art is not delicious, but some of it may not be your cup of key. It is a mystery. I  don't know most of them, but I still think they deserve hits, so go and visit them. Oh, and to all you artists that I stole borrowed art from to make links, please don't kill me! I did it because I love you!

Note: Some of these sites are not art[ist] sites. I just didn't feel like separating art and non-art sites. Deal. Also, more on the way, as I find them.


Link to me:


Prometheus Spawning Grounds  

A. Niklas Jansson's page. He's just plain
awesomely awesome.


Found this guy through PSG. Also Awesomely awesome.


RSJ's magical art site. He's got a unique style/flair for all teh k1ddz0rs!


Return to Sender. A very cool and stylish comic, done in all white and blue.


Naska and JK. Love their stuff. Don't know too much about them,  but love their stuff.


No, it's not scat-porn. It's the art site of a guy called "roundeye" or something.


Josh Lesnick. I've been following his various exploits for like 4-5 years. Visit him and give him money! Save him from all the money!


Rob Dejesus. An outstanding artist and outstanding guy, from what I've heard. Go.


How can someone be so good at cityscapes? HOW??


Corey Lewis's personal art page. I hope he doesn't mind me using his art to link to him =\


Daniel Douglas, a.k.a. Dansama. He's really good at inking. REALLY good. REEEEEEEEEEEEALLY.


He's angsty! He's pretentious! He's emo! He's a really good artist! He's Bryan O'Malley!


Want hilarious satire? These guys got it in spades. Most of it stems from making fun of furries. And rightly so.


Gontaro! He's the man! If he can't do it, then it's probably better suited for someone else to do! Time to work on my rhymes!


A very funny comic that just so happens to be one of the best drawn online comics out there. Enjoy.


A good furry comic? What the-? The regular staples of furrism are strangely absent! No multi-nipple-penis 90-story hermaphrodite bisexual stories here!