Why, Hello there. My name is Brady. I've had many aliases (aliasi? Hmm...) over the past years when posting my art on the web. The reason I never posted under my real name is that I was never really confident in my art (still am not, really). I didn't want others to know that sucky guy with no talent was really me, so I hid behind several personas. When I come up with a fake name and post art, I can discard that persona when I no longer want to be associated with the level of skill I had at the time of that name. This is because I fear non-acceptance by my peers, and especially if those peers are fellow artists. Now, I just don't care. I'm me. I draw my stuff. If you don't like it, don't expect me to care. Some of the aliases I've gone under: Right now, I'm a 20 year old artist, living in the St. Paul/Minneapolis area, attending college for Graphic Design. I haven't done much artistry since I've graduated High School, but intend to change that with this webpage. Some of you may remember Indigo War Machine from about a year back, and how it was hardly updated. The reasons for that are as follows: 56K modem, slower family computer, and no motivation. I have a death-kung-fu-grip handle on two of the three things. Guess what I'm not choking to death with assertiveness? C'mon! GUESS! DAMN YOU! Please? Contact Me By: