Old writing about Me by Me.

Why, Hello there. My name is Brady. I've had many aliases (aliasi? Hmm...) over the past years when posting my art on the web. The reason I never posted under my real name is that I was never really confident in my art (still am not, really). I didn't want others to know that sucky guy with no talent was really me, so I hid behind several personas. When I come up with a fake name and post art, I can discard that persona when I no longer want to be associated with the level of skill I had at the time of that name. This is because I fear non-acceptance by my peers, and especially if those peers are fellow artists. Now, I just don't care. I'm me. I draw my stuff. If you don't like it, don't expect me to care.

Some of the aliases I've gone under:
Raylex R. (This is perhaps the dorkiest name I've ever had and I'm ashamed of what I was under this name. My art sucked, my attitude sucked. Hey, I was 15. What can I say?) Nothing I did under this name was good. So I dropped it and reinvented myself.
Slit I actually liked this name. I contributed to a lot of places, though I had a chip on my shoulder, which earned me some "enemies" (more accurately, "people who just didn't like me").  I started my improvisational comic, The Word of One, of which I have future plans for, under this name.
Scoopfoot  The only non-self-given alias I've had. I was tired of being Slit and decided to reinvent myself as a more friendly artist. You may notice it as the title of the URL. Haven't accomplished all that much under this name, and its the last "name" I'm going to go under. From now on, I go by "Brady", "Bray" or "Bray D".

Right now, I'm a 20 year old artist, living in the St. Paul/Minneapolis area, attending college for Graphic Design. I haven't done much artistry since I've graduated High School, but intend to change that with this webpage. Some of you may remember Indigo War Machine from about a year back, and how it was hardly updated. The reasons for that are as follows: 56K modem, slower family computer, and no motivation. I have a death-kung-fu-grip handle on two of the three things. Guess what I'm not choking to death with assertiveness? C'mon! GUESS! DAMN YOU! Please?

Contact Me By:
email (or MSN Messenger): scoopfoot@hotmail.com
AIM: braynspasm